Restore Earth, Realise Dreams

Endless energy through the merit of waste and absolute carbon capture

Our Mission

Absolute carbon capture found in the merits of waste. We restore, renew and remake Earth in the pre-industrialisation image from 200 years ago.

Business Strategy

At Haily, we believe in the democratization of sustainability. We have a distinct roadmap towards capitalization and market operations. The Singapore office will be leading the accelerated plans for expansion.

Matured Technology

Distinguished with a proven, matured and recurring waste-to-energy system protected by patents and international certifications, we have executed carbon capture systems with electricity generation to uplift sustainable enterprises across public and private sectors.

Sustainable Development Goals

We subscribe to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals with emphasis on 7, 9, 11, 12, and 17.

“A Sustainable Enterprise in Sustainability”

Haily combines environmental protection with reliable and recurring income streams for our stakeholders.

“I have served the people of Singapore by resolving some of the pressing issues in our local transportation scene. Today, the pressing issue is climate change and I’m glad to be invited by Haily Singapore Holdings to make an accelerated effort for absolute carbon capture.

Mar Vin, Foo

Director for Industry Alliances, APAC

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A Sustainable Enterprise in Sustainability